New Eurasian Eagle-Owl Habitat and Exhibit Opens at Potter Park Zoo

A new exhibit opened at the Potter Park Zoo on Sunday, Sept. 12 to accommodate and recreate the habitat of two of the Zoo’s Eurasian Eagle-owls. With landscaping designed to replicate areas of Northern Europe, the new exhibit provides an enhanced environment for the birds, and increased visibility for bird-watchers.

“Potter Park Zoo will soon be receiving the number one breeding male Eagle-owl to pair with our current female,” explains zoo veterinarian, Dr. Tara Harrison. “It is our hope that the design and layout of the new exhibit will be conducive to them successfully producing offspring.”

Eurasian Eagle-owls are the largest species of owls in the world, with a wing span of approximately seven feet. Native to Northern Europe and Asia, this primarily nocturnal bird is found in the mountains and forests of that region.

The exhibit will be approximately 48 feet long and 25 feet wide, and is located just south of the previous Eagle-owl enclosure.

Source: Jake Pechtel, Potter Park Zoo

Writer: Suban Nur Cooley
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